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1st Division Women’s team at B.93 takes new development steps.


Lauritz Smed, Managing Partner of B.93 Q Aps, has entered into a new strategic partnership with International Elite Program (IEP Soccer) in the USA, translating into new exciting opportunities for B.93 and female football in general.

Lauritz Smed comments

– We have been in touch with IEP and its management since the summer 2022, and are excited that we now have formalized our partnership, being another step of positive development for us.

– Adding both financial, commercial and geographical bandwidth to our operations, will help lift and support our dreams.

Mayowa Owolabi, Founder/President of IEP Soccer comments

– Our operations have strategic alliances with a number clubs and universities in the USA. We have looked very hard to find a strong collaborative partner in Europe, and have been impressed with competence and commitment demonstrated by Lauritz and the B.93 team on and off the pitch.

– With strong focus on the continued development of our female players, both on and off the pitch, we also expect new development experiences for coaches and managers.

– For players originating from the USA, or our academy in Africa, the opportunity to play in Denmark in a safe and professional environment, will be a great motivator.

– In time we also hope to create the avenue for danish players to come to the USA, combining their football skills with an education.

B.93 will be starting their play off games for the Danish Gjensidige Liga, on April 1st against Naestved HG.

For additional information

Mayowa Owolabi

Claus Vandborg
B.93 Press Manager


B.93 Women ready for a game at Svanemølleanlægget. Foto: Christian Midtgaard.

Message in Danish below.


B.93’s 1. divisions kvindehold tager nye skridt mod yderligere udvikling


Lauritz Smed, Managing Partner i B.93 Q Aps, har indgået et nyt strategisk partnerskab med International Elite Program (IEP Soccer) i USA, der udmønter sig i nye spændende muligheder for B.93 og kvindefodbold generelt.

Lauritz Smed udtaler

– Vi har været i kontakt med IEP og dets ledelse siden sommeren 2022 og er glade for, at vi nu har formaliseret vores partnerskab, hvilket er endnu et skridt i positiv udvikling for os.

– Tilføjelse af både finansiel, kommerciel og geografisk forstærkning til vores aktiviteter, vil hjælpe med at løfte og understøtte vores drømme.

Mayowa Owolabi som er grundlægger og Præsident for IEP Soccer udtaler

– Vores aktiviteter har strategiske alliancer med en række klubber og universiteter i USA. Vi har ledt meget hårdt efter en stærk samarbejdspartner i Europa og har været imponeret over den kompetence og det engagement, som Lauritz og B.93-teamet har vist på og uden for banen.

– Med stort fokus på den fortsatte udvikling af vores kvindelige spillere, både på og uden for banen, forventer vi også nye udviklingserfaringer for trænere og ledere.

– For spillere fra USA, eller vores akademi i Afrika, vil muligheden for at spille i Danmark – i et sikkert og professionelt miljø – være en stor motivationsfaktor.

– Med tiden håber vi også at skabe mulighed for, at danske spillere kan komme til USA, hvor de kombinerer deres fodboldfærdigheder med en uddannelse.

Mayowa Owolabi and Lauritz Smed are looking forward to the collaboration. Photo: Rasmus Lykke fra LokalUpdate.dk.

B.93 starter deres play-off kampe for at kvalificere sig til den danske Gjensidige Liga 1. april mod Næstved HG.

Yderligere oplysninger

Mayowa Owolabi

Claus Vandborg
B.93’s Pressechef


B.93 TV: Meet Mayowa Owolabi

Lauritz Smed, Managing Partner of B.93 Q Aps, has entered into a new strategic partnership with International Elite Program (IEP Soccer) in the USA, translating into new exciting opportunities for B.93 and female football in general.

B.93 TV: Lauritz Smed

– We have been in touch with IEP and its management since the summer 2022, and are excited that we now have formalized our partnership, being another step of positive development for us.


B.93 TV: Head Coach Rasmus Good

– Both short and long term we now have a larger player pool to select from and we can plan a few more years ahead in the future to secure top players.

B.93 TV og fotos: Rasmus Lykke fra LokalUpdate.dk. Supplerende foto: Christian Midtgaard.